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Your presentation or poster

This is the information you need as an author who has been accepted to the 6G and Future Networks conference programme.

Accepted as an oral presentation?

What you need to do…

  • Register for the conference by 31 May 2024
  • Refer to the programme at regular intervals as it is subject to change
  • Create a PowerPoint file for presentation at the conference in 16:9 ratio
  • Send your PowerPoint file via email to by no later than 10 June 2024. Please include your paper reference number within this email.

PowerPoint presentation instructions

PowerPoint submission deadline: 10 June 2024

  • Each oral presentation slot is 15 minutes, allowing approximately 10 minutes per presentation and 5 minutes for audience questions
  • Presentation slides will be loaded onto the session laptop by the organisers prior to the relevant session
  • Please ensure you have access to your slide file onsite as a back-up

Accepted for a poster presentation?

What you need to do…

  • Register for the conference by 31 May 2024
  • Create and bring along a poster for display in the poster area at the conference
  • The poster board size is Portrait, A0 size

Poster presentation instructions

At the conference in the catering/exhibition area, there will be a board labelled with your paper title. Hook & loop Velcro dots are provided to attach your poster to the board.

During the breaks/at lunchtime/dedicated poster session, you are required to spend some time at your poster as it is your opportunity to present your work directly to other delegates.

You should clearly display the following information on your poster:

  • The title of your paper
  • The authors’ names and their affiliations
  • Your usual contact details (e.g. an email address) to allow delegates to follow up discussion.